Conditions Requiring a Dental Implant

Feb 25, 2021 | Dental Implants

A wide variety of people benefit from dental implants. They are perhaps the most permanent and best functioning of all the teeth-replacement dental solutions. But are they right for you?


Whether from sports accidents, car accidents or any accident, teeth can get knocked out, leaving a person with embarrassing gaps and some difficult decisions.

Depending on the severity of the issue, your dentist will offer suggestions as to what the best route to take. If the jaw has been damaged, there may need to be a healing time before implants can be considered. Dense, healthy jawbone is vital for a successful dental implant.


Some oral disease cause the gums to decay and teeth and fall out. If disease is the cause for tooth loss, dental implants may or may not be the correct option. This is because a successful implant requires a healthy, disease-free gum and enough bone for the titanium base to firmly implant in the mouth.

If the structure of the mouth is compromised, an implant probably won’t work. Fortunately, there are ways to build up the stability of the jaw, so that implants can find a stable enough root.

A careful examination from your dentist, and a careful consultation should always precede any decision to get implants.

Alternative to Dentures

Dentures can be quite a hassle, feeling bulky in the mouth, causing you to gag, or just generally not being comfortable. Many people find that dental implants give them a natural feeling back, and natural function.

Though especially young or the very elderly are sometimes not good candidates, age usually won’t inhibit a person from receiving dental implants. The implant procedure is a safe, trusted one, in the hands of the right dentist. Temporary pain, swelling, and maybe some speech problems could accompany the procedure, but these things generally fade quickly.

There is always a possibility that the bone rejects the implant, which is why your dentist must carefully monitor your condition over time.